Tomorrow Party

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Tomorrow Party
Hizb el-Ghad
حزب الغد
Chairperson Dr. Ayman Nour
Founded 2004
Headquarters Cairo
Newspaper AlGhad Newspaper - Weekly
Ideology Liberalism, Liberal Democracy
Official colors Orange
Politics of Egypt
Political parties

The Tomorrow Party (Arabic:حزب الغد Hizb el-Ghad) is an active political party in Egypt that was granted license in October 2004. El-Ghad is a centrist liberal secular political party pressing for widening the scope of political participation and for a peaceful rotation of power.

The party is working with some representation in the lower house of Parliament, the People’s Assembly. The party currently does not hold any seats in the upper house, the Shura Council.


[edit] Background

At the first party convention held in October 2004, Ayman Nour, a Member of Parliament and a practising lawyer, was elected as Party Chairman. The party was founded by former members of the New Wafd Party. The party was created to represent a liberal democratic perspective, with a strong interest in human rights issues. Nour used the party as a platform to call for constitutional reform, limiting the president's powers and opening presidential elections to multiple candidates. Ayman Nour is estimated to have received 12% of the vote at the presidential election of 2005. In the parliamentary elections of that year, the party won only one seat.

[edit] Platform

The party platform calls for:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links