Qt (framework)

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Qt Designer 4 4 3.png
The Qt designer used for GUI designing
Developer(s) Qt Project,[1] Nokia, Digia, KDE
Initial release 1992; 20 years ago (1992)
Stable release 4.8.1[2] / April 11, 2012; 27 days ago (2012-04-11)
Development status Active
Written in C++
Operating system Embedded Linux, OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, X11, Wayland, Windows CE, Symbian, MeeGo, Haiku
Platform Cross-platform
Type Application framework
License GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 Qt open-source version)[3]
Qt Commercial License (Qt Commercial version)[4]
Website www.qt-project.org

Qt (play /ˈkjuːt/ "cute", or unofficially as Q-T cue-tee[5][6]) is a cross-platform application framework that is widely used for developing application software with a graphical user interface (GUI) (in which cases Qt is classified as a widget toolkit), and also used for developing non-GUI programs such as command-line tools and consoles for servers. Qt is most notably used in Autodesk Maya,[7][8]The Foundry's Nuke, Adobe Photoshop Elements, OPIE, Skype, VLC media player,[9] VirtualBox, and Mathematica,[10] and by the European Space Agency,[11] DreamWorks,[12][13] Google, HP,[14] KDE,[15] Lucasfilm,[16] Panasonic,[17] Philips,[18] Samsung,[19] Siemens,[20] Volvo,[21] Walt Disney Animation Studios[22] and Research In Motion.[23]

Qt is developed by an open source project, the Qt Project, involving developers as individuals and from firms working to advance Qt, such as Nokia, Digia, and others. Before the launch of the Qt Project, it was produced by Nokia's Qt Development Frameworks division, which came into being after Nokia's acquisition of the Norwegian company Trolltech, the original producer of Qt.[24] In February 2011 Nokia announced its decision to drop Symbian technologies and base their future smartphones on Microsoft platform instead. One month later Nokia announced the sale of Qt's commercial licensing and professional services to Digia PLC, although Nokia will remain the main development force behind the framework.[25] On May 9, it was announced on the Qt Labs website that the groundwork was being laid for the next major version of Qt, with the expectation that Qt 5 would be released in 2012.[26]

Qt uses standard C++ but makes extensive use of a special code generator (called the Meta Object Compiler, or moc) together with several macros to enrich the language. Qt can also be used in several other programming languages via language bindings. It runs on the major desktop platforms and some of the mobile platforms. It has extensive internationalization support. Non-GUI features include SQL database access, XML parsing, thread management, network support, and a unified cross-platform application programming interface (API) for file handling.

Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (among others), Qt is free and open source software. All editions support many compilers, including the GCC C++ compiler and the Visual Studio suite.


[edit] Platforms

Qt works on the following platforms:

[edit] External ports

Since Nokia opened the Qt source code to the community on Gitorious various ports have been appearing. Here are some of them:

[edit] Editions

There are three editions of Qt available on each of these platforms, namely:

  • GUI Framework – commercial entry level GUI edition, stripped of network and database support (formerly named "Desktop Light")
  • Full Framework – complete commercial edition
  • Open Source – complete Open Source edition

Qt is available under the following copyright licenses:

[edit] Current

Trolltech released Qt 4.0 on June 28, 2005 and introduced five new technologies in the framework:

  • Tulip A set of template container classes.
  • Interview A model–view–controller architecture for item views.
  • Arthur A 2D painting framework.
  • Scribe A Unicode text renderer with a public API for performing low-level text layout.
  • MainWindow A modern action-based main window, toolbar, menu, and docking architecture.
Version Release date New features
4.1 December 20, 2005[57] Introduced integrated SVG Tiny support, a PDF backend to Qt's printing system, and a few other features.
4.2 October 4, 2006[58] Introduced Windows Vista support, introduced native CSS support for widget styling, as well as the QGraphicsView framework for efficient rendering of thousands of 2D objects onscreen, to replace Qt 3.x's QCanvas class.
4.3 May 30, 2007[59] Improved Windows Vista support, improved OpenGL engine, SVG file generation, added QtScript (ECMAScript scripting engine based on QSA).[60]
4.4 May 6, 2008[61] Features included are improved multimedia support using Phonon, enhanced XML support, a concurrency framework to ease developing multi-threaded applications, an IPC framework with a focus on shared memory, and WebKit integration.
4.5 March 3, 2009[62] Major included features are QtCreator, improved graphical engine, improved integration with WebKit, OpenDocument Format write support and new licensing options, as well as OS X Cocoa framework support.
4.6 December 1, 2009[63] New APIs are Framework Animation, Gestures, Multi-touch. Now supports (as Tier 1) Symbian and (as Tier 2) Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6, support extended for some Unix systems. Improvements have also been made to overall performance.
4.7 September 21, 2010[64] QML and Qt Quick.
4.8 December 15, 2011[65] Qt Platform Abstraction, Threaded OpenGL support, Multithreaded HTTP, and optimized file system access.

[edit] Next

The next major version of Qt will be Qt 5. It is expected to be released in 2012. This new version will mark a major change of paradigm in the platform, with hardware-accelerated graphics, QML and Javascript playing a major role. C++ Widgets continue to be supported but they are no longer a central part of the platform. Qt5 should be an improvement in term of performance and rapid development.[66]

At the same time the framework has moved to open governance with ongoing development of Qt 5 taking place at qt-project.org. It is now possible for developers outside Nokia to submit and have them reviewed.[67]

[edit] Design

The innovation of Qt when it was first released relied on a few key concepts.

[edit] Modules

  • Modules for general software development
    • QtCore – contains core non-GUI classes, including the event loop and Qt's signal and slot mechanism, platform independent abstractions for Unicode, threads, mapped files, shared memory, regular expressions, and user and application settings
    • QtGui – contains most GUI classes; including many table, tree and list classes based on model–view–controller design pattern; also provides sophisticated 2D canvas widget able to store thousands of items including ordinary widgets
    • QtMultimedia – implements low-level multimedia functionality
    • QtNetwork – contains classes for writing UDP and TCP clients and servers; implementing FTP and HTTP clients, supporting DNS lookups; network events are integrated with the event loop making it very easy to develop networked applications
    • QtOpenGL – contains classes that enable the use of OpenGL in rendering 3D graphics
    • QtOpenVG – a plugin that provides support for OpenVG painting
    • QtScript – an ECMAScript-based scripting engine
    • QtScriptTools – provides added components for applications using QtScript
    • QtSql – contains classes that integrate with open-source and proprietary SQL databases. It includes editable data models for database tables that can be used with GUI classes. It also includes an implementation of SQLite
    • QtSvg – contains classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. It supports the static features of SVG 1.2 Tiny
    • QtWebKit – provides a WebKit-based layout engine as well as classes to render and interact with web content
    • QtXml – implements SAX and DOM interfaces to Qt's XML parser
    • QtXmlPatterns – provides support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML Schema validation
    • Phonon – multimedia API, provides simple multimedia control
    • Qt3Support – provides classes that ease porting from Qt 3 to Qt 4
    • Qt Declarative[68] module is a declarative framework for building fluid user interfaces in QML
  • Modules for working with Qt's tools
    • QtDesigner
    • QtUiTools
    • QtHelp
    • QtTest
  • Modules for Unix developers
    • QtDBus – a library to perform inter-process communication via D-Bus protocol
  • Modules for Windows developers
    • QAxContainer – an extension for accessing ActiveX controls and COM objects
    • QAxServer – a static library to turn a standard Qt binary into a COM server

[edit] Use of native UI-rendering APIs

Qt used to emulate the native look of its intended platforms, which occasionally led to slight discrepancies where that emulation was imperfect. Recent versions of Qt use the native style APIs of the different platforms to query the platform for the desired appearance of the Qt controls, and so do not suffer from such issues as much.[69]

One should note that on some platforms (such as MeeGo and KDE) Qt is the native API.

[edit] Metaobject compiler

The metaobject compiler, termed moc, is a tool that is run on the sources of a Qt program. It interprets certain macros from the C++ code as annotations, and uses them to generate added C++ code with Meta Information about the classes used in the program. This meta information is used by Qt to provide programming features not available natively in C++: the signal/slot system, introspection and asynchronous function calls.

[edit] QtScript ECMAScript interpreter

QtScript is a cross-platform toolkit that allows developers to make their Qt/C++ applications scriptable using an interpreted scripting language: Qt Script (based on ECMAScript/JavaScript).

From Qt 4.3.0 onward, the scripting API,[70] which is based on QSA,[71] is integrated as a core part of Qt and is no longer a separate library.

[edit] Bindings

As shown in the table below, Qt has a range of bindings for various languages[72] that implement some or all of its feature set.

Qt language bindings
Language Name: description of binding QtCore QtDesigner QtGui Equivalent for uic QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtSql QtScript QtSvg QtTest QtUiTools QtWebKit QtXml License for open source applications License for proprietary applications
Ada QtAda Yes Yes Yes No No[73] Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes GPL GMGPL + free
C++ Qt – native C++ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GPL or LGPL LGPL or Proprietary + fee
C# & .NET Qyoto – See also Kimono for KDE Yes Yes Yes Yes (uics) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
C# & .NET qt4dotnet Yes Yes WIP[74] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LGPL LGPL
D QtD Yes Yes Yes Yes (duic) Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes Boost Software License+GPL Boost Software License+GPL
Haskell Qt Haskell No
Harbour hbqt Yes Yes Yes Yes (hbmk2) Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No GPL LGPL like
Java Qt Jambi Yes Yes Yes Yes (juic) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LGPL LGPL
Lisp CommonQt – Bindings for Common Lisp Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BSD License BSD License
Lua lqt – Bindings Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes MIT MIT
Lua QtLua – Bindings and script engine LGPL LGPL
Pascal FreePascal Qt4 Yes Yes (lazarus RAD IDE) Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes LGPL LGPL
Perl PerlQt4 Yes Yes Yes Yes (puic) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GPL+Artistic License Artistic License
PHP PHP-Qt Yes Yes Yes WIP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LGPL LGPL
Python PyQt Yes Yes Yes Yes (pyuic) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GPL Proprietary + fee
Python PySide – from OpenBossa (a subsidiary of Nokia). Yes Yes Yes Yes (pysideuic) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LGPL LGPL
Python PythonQt N/A LGPL LGPL
QML QML – It is part of the Qt Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LGPL LGPL or Proprietary + fee
R qtbase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GPL No
Ruby QtRuby Yes Yes Yes Yes (rbuic) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LGPL LGPL
Scheme Qt Egg for Chicken Scheme No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No BSD License BSD License
Tcl qtcl No GPL No
Language Name: description of binding QtCore QtDesigner QtGui Equivalent for uic QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtSql QtScript QtSvg QtTest QtUiTools QtWebKit QtXml License for open source applications License for proprietary applications

[edit] Qt hello world

#include <QtGui>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QLabel label("Hello, world!");
    return app.exec();

[edit] Compiling and executing Qt hello world program

1. Create a folder named Hello (or any other name)
2. Copy and paste the above program as file Hello.cpp in directory Hello
3. With Hello as the current directory, run

 a. qmake -project
 b. qmake Hello.pro (or whatever the file is named)
 c. make/gmake/nmake – as needed by OS and compiler environment

4. Execute ./Hello (Or release\Hello.exe in Windows)

[edit] Tools

  • Qt Creator, a cross-platform IDE for C++ and QML
  • qmake, a tool that automates the generation of Makefiles for development project across different platforms
  • Qt Designer
  • Qt Assistant
  • Qt Linguist
  • lupdate
  • lrelease
  • lconvert
  • QVFb
  • makeqpf
  • uic (User Interface Compiler)
  • rcc (Resource Compiler)
  • qtconfig
  • qconfig
  • qtdemo
  • qt3to4
  • qdbusxml2cpp
  • D-Bus Viewer
  • Qt Visual Studio Add-in
  • Qt Eclipse Integration
  • Qt Simulator
  • Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian
  • qmlviewer
  • Qt Quick, a QML based user interface development kit

[edit] Migration tools

[edit] History

Haavard Nord and Eirik Chambe-Eng (the original developers of Qt and the CEO and President, respectively, of Trolltech) began development of "Qt" in 1991, three years before the company was incorporated as Quasar Technologies, then changed the name to Troll Tech and then to Trolltech.

The toolkit was called Qt because the letter Q looked appealing in Haavard's Emacs font, and "t" was inspired by Xt, the X toolkit.[75]

The first two versions of Qt had only two flavors: Qt/X11 for Unix and Qt/Windows for Windows. The Windows platform was only available under a proprietary license, which meant free/open source applications written in Qt for X11 could not be ported to Windows without purchasing the proprietary edition.

At the end of 2001, Trolltech released Qt 3.0, which added support for Mac OS X. The Mac OS X support was available only in the proprietary license until June 2003, when Trolltech released Qt 3.2 with Mac OS X support available under the GPL.

In June 2005, Trolltech released Qt 4.0.[76]

Nokia acquired Trolltech ASA on June 17, 2008 and changed the name first to Qt Software, then to Qt Development Frameworks. Since then it focused on Qt development to turn it into the main development platform for its devices, including a port to the Symbian S60 platform. Version 1.0 of the Nokia Qt SDK was released on June 23, 2010.[77] The source code was made available over Gitorious, a community oriented git source code repository, to gather an even broader community that is not only using Qt but also helping to improve it.

[edit] Licensing

At all times, Qt was available under a commercial license that allows developing proprietary applications with no restrictions on licensing. In addition, Qt has been gradually made available under several increasingly free licenses.

Until version 1.45, source code for Qt was released under the FreeQt license. This was viewed as not compliant with the open source principle by the Open Source Initiative and the free software definition by Free Software Foundation because while the source was available, it did not allow the redistribution of modified versions.

Controversy erupted around 1998 when it became clear that KDE’s KDE Software Compilation was going to become one of the leading desktop environments for Linux. As it was based on Qt, many people in the free software movement worried that an essential piece of one of their major operating systems would be proprietary.

With the release of version 2.0 of the toolkit, the license was changed to the Q Public License (QPL), a free software license but one regarded by the Free Software Foundation as incompatible with the GPL. Compromises were sought between KDE and Trolltech whereby Qt would not be able to fall under a more restrictive license than the QPL, even if Trolltech was bought out or went bankrupt. This led to the creation of the KDE Free Qt foundation, which guarantees that Qt would fall under a BSD-style license should no free/open source version of Qt be released during 12 months.

In 2000, Qt 2.2 was released under the GPL v2,[78] ending all controversy regarding GPL compatibility.

In 2002, members of the KDE on Cygwin project began porting the GPL licensed Qt/X11 code base to Windows.[79] This was in response to Trolltech's refusal to license Qt/Windows under the GPL on the grounds that Windows was not a free/open source software platform.[80][81] The project achieved reasonable success although it never reached production quality.

This was resolved when Trolltech released Qt/Windows 4 under the GPL in June 2005. Qt 4 now supports the same set of platforms in the free software/open source editions as in the proprietary edition, so it is now possible to create GPL-licensed free/open source applications using Qt on all supported platforms. The GPL v3 with special exception[82] was later added as an added licensing option. The GPL exception allows the final application to be licensed under various GPL-incompatible free software/open source licenses such as the Mozilla Public License.

On January 14, 2009, Qt version 4.5 added another option, the LGPL,[83] which should make Qt even more attractive for non-GPL open source projects and for closed applications.[84]

[edit] Uses

[edit] UI environments

[edit] Window managers for X Window system

The following window managers use the Qt toolkit:

[edit] Applications

[edit] Software libraries

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Qt Project
  2. ^ "Qt 4.8.1 Released". March 28, 2012. http://qt-project.org/news/view/qt-4.8.1-released/. Retrieved 2012-03-30. 
  3. ^ a b "Qt GNU LGPL v. 2.1 Version". http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing/licensing#qt-gnu-lgpl-v. 
  4. ^ a b "Qt Commercial version under the Qt Commercial License". http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing/licensing#qt-commercial-license. 
  5. ^ "That Smartphone Is So Qt". The New York Times. February 16, 2010. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/02/16/that-smartphone-is-so-qt/. Retrieved 2010-02-19. 
  6. ^ "The Qt 4 Dance" (video). http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1435432529445611697. Retrieved 2010-02-19. 
  7. ^ "Qt in Autodesk". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/autodesk/. 
  8. ^ "Qt in visual effects". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/qt-in-visual-effects. 
  9. ^ "Qt in VideoLan Player". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/story/app/vlc-player/. 
  10. ^ "Qt delivered advanced, cross-platform C++ GUI for Mathematica’s development team". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/story/customer/mathematica-by-wolfram-research/. 
  11. ^ "Qt in the European Space Agency". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/story/customer/esa-european-space-agency. 
  12. ^ "Behind the Scenes at DreamWorks Animation: Making the Apps that Make the Movies". http://qt.nokia.com/learning/online/talks/developerdays2010/keynotes/behind-the-scenes-at-dreamworks-animation-making-the-apps-that-make-the-movies/. 
  13. ^ "UI & System Design Challenges for the NxG Lighting Tool". http://developer.qt.nokia.com/videos/watch/ui_system_design_challenges_for_the_nxg_lighting_tool. 
  14. ^ "Developing Innovative Desktop and Embedded HP Products with Qt". http://developer.qt.nokia.com/videos/watch/developing_innovative_desktop_and_embedded_hp_products_with_qt. 
  15. ^ "The KDE development platform". http://kde.org/developerplatform/. 
  16. ^ "Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd.". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/story/app/lucasfilm-entertainment-company-ltd/. 
  17. ^ "Panasonic selects Qt for HD video system". http://qt.nokia.com/about/news/panasonic-selects-qt-for-hd-video-system. 
  18. ^ "Qt in IP Communications". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/qt-in-ip-communications. 
  19. ^ "Qt in Home Media". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/qt-in-home-media. 
  20. ^ "Qt helped Siemens deliver a C++ development platform for manufacturing software GUIs". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/story/customer/siemens. 
  21. ^ "Volvo Mobility Systems". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/story/customer/volvo-mobility-systems. 
  22. ^ "Qt helped Walt Disney reduce development time spent on its cross-platform feature film production application". http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/story/customer/walt-disney-feature-animation. 
  23. ^ "Qt for Blackberry Tablet OS & BB10". http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/11/17/new-keynotes-rim-and-community-android-and-ios-action-at-qt-developer-days-s-f/. 
  24. ^ Qt Software – Nokia acquired Trolltech[dead link]
  25. ^ Nystrom, Sebastian (2011-03-07). "Nokia and Digia working together to grow the Qt community". http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/07/nokia-and-digia-working-together/. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  26. ^ Knoll, Lars (2011-05-09). "Thoughts about Qt 5". http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/09/thoughts-about-qt-5/. Retrieved 2011-05-09. 
  27. ^ "Qt Wiki – Support for Windows". Developer.qt.nokia.com. August 11, 2011. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Support_for_Windows. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  28. ^ "Qt Wiki – Support for Windows CE and Windows Mobile". Developer.qt.nokia.com. August 12, 2011. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Support_for_Windows_CE_and_Windows_Mobile. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  29. ^ "Qt Wiki – Support for Symbian". Developer.qt.nokia.com. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Support_for_Symbian. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  30. ^ Nokia – Nokia enriches application development with Qt for S60[dead link]
  31. ^ "Qt for S60 – Forum Nokia Wiki". Wiki.forum.nokia.com. http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Qt_for_S60. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  32. ^ Symbian – Nokia enriches application development with Qt for S60[dead link]
  33. ^ "Nokia Announce Technology preview of Qt on S60". All About Symbian. October 20, 2008. http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/news/item/8312_Nokia_Announce_Technology_prev.php. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  34. ^ Paul, Ryan (October 20, 2008). "Nokia releases first Qt preview for Symbian S60". ars technica. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20081020-nokia-releases-first-qt-preview-for-symbian-s60.html. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  35. ^ Espen Riskedal (October 20, 2008). "Qt Labs Blogs – We’re porting Qt to S60!". Labs.trolltech.com. http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2008/10/20/were-porting-qt-to-s60/. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  36. ^ "Qt Software – Technology Preview – Qt for S60". Trolltech.com. http://trolltech.com/developer/technical-preview-qt-for-s60. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  37. ^ Qt Software – How to get Qt running on your S60 phone[dead link]
  38. ^ "David Wood: S60 / Avkon are dead". Tamss60.tamoggemon.com. http://tamss60.tamoggemon.com/2009/08/04/david-wood-s60-avkon-are-dead/. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  39. ^ "Qt Wiki – Support for Mac OS X". Developer.qt.nokia.com. August 14, 2011. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Support_for_Mac_OS_X. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  40. ^ "Qt Wiki – Support for Linux/X11". Developer.qt.nokia.com. August 12, 2011. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Support_for_Linux_X11. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  41. ^ "Qt Wiki – Support for Embedded Linux". Developer.qt.nokia.com. August 12, 2011. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Support_for_Embedded_Linux. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  42. ^ "Qt Wiki – Qt on Maemo/MeeGo". Developer.qt.nokia.com. August 14, 2011. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Support_for_Maemo. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  43. ^ "Getting started with Lighthouse". http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Getting_Started_With_Lighthouse. Retrieved November 25, 2011. 
  44. ^ Kristian Høgsberg (January 25, 2011). "Add wayland lighthouse plugin". http://qt.gitorious.org/+qt-developers/qt/lighthouse/commit/6c5ea196ff086b92687033208f15e36591dc70f6. 
  45. ^ "KDE on OpenSolaris". Hub.opensolaris.org. October 26, 2009. http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+kde/. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  46. ^ "Qt Applications and UI Framework for Haiku". Qt-haiku.ru. http://qt-haiku.ru. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  47. ^ "Qt 4 Application and UI Framework for eCS". Svn.netlabs.org. September 15, 2011. http://svn.netlabs.org/qt4. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  48. ^ "Experimental development of qt for the iPhone". Gitorious.org. http://gitorious.org/+qt-iphone. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  49. ^ "Qt-iPhone project". Qt-iphone.com. http://www.qt-iphone.com/. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  50. ^ Qt webOS port
  51. ^ darron (February 25, 2010). "Blog: Qt on the Palm Pre". Griffin.net. http://www.griffin.net/2010/02/qt-on-the-palm-pre.html. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  52. ^ darron (January 30, 2010). "Blog: Qt on Amazon Kindle DX". Griffin.net. http://www.griffin.net/2010/01/hacking-the-amazon-kindle-dx-part-2-qt-and-sudoku.html. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  53. ^ "Necessitas project". Sourceforge.net. http://sourceforge.net/p/necessitas/home/. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  54. ^ "First Alpha of Qt For Android Released". Slashdot. February 22, 2011. http://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/02/22/0119247/First-Alpha-of-Qt-For-Android-Released. Retrieved February 22, 2011. 
  55. ^ nratelle. "Github project". Github.com. https://github.com/blackberry/Qt. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  56. ^ "Qt GNU GPL v. 3.0 Version". http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing/licensing#qt-gnu-gpl-v. 
  57. ^ Trolltech Releases Qt 4.1, qt.nokia.com, retrieved November 27, 2011.
  58. ^ Qt 4.2.0 released by Harald Fernengel, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved November 27, 2011.
  59. ^ Qt 4.3.0 released by Girish Ramakrishnan, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved November 27, 2011.
  60. ^ Trolltech: What’s New in Qt 4.3[dead link]
  61. ^ Qt 4.4.0 fully released by Thiago Macieira, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved November 27, 2011.
  62. ^ Qt 4.5 hits the (virtual) shelves by Jason McDonald, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved November 27, 2011.
  63. ^ Qt 4.6.0 Released Early due to Good Behaviour by Jason McDonald, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved November 27, 2011.
  64. ^ Qt 4.7.0 now available by Jason McDonald, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved November 27, 2011.
  65. ^ Qt 4.8.0 Released by Sinan Tanilkan, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved December 15, 2011.
  66. ^ Thoughts about Qt 5 by Lars Knoll, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved February 8, 2012.
  67. ^ The Qt Project is live! by Lars Knoll, labs.qt.nokia.com, retrieved February 8, 2012.
  68. ^ "Qt 4.7: Qt Declarative Module". Doc.qt.nokia.com. http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qtdeclarative.html. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  69. ^ Products – Qt – A cross-platform application and UI framework 'Qt uses the native graphics APIs of each platform it supports, taking full advantage of system resources and ensuring that applications have native look and feel.'
  70. ^ "Qt 4.3: QtScript Module". Doc.trolltech.com. http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qtscript.html. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  71. ^ "QSA 1.2: Qt Script for Applications". Doc.trolltech.com. http://doc.trolltech.com/qsa-1.2.2/. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  72. ^ "QT Language Bindings". Qt.nokia.com. http://qt.nokia.com/products/programming-language-support. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  73. ^ [1] Supported Qt modules in QtAda
  74. ^ "qt4dotnet – Qt bindings for .NET – Google Project Hosting". Google. http://code.google.com/p/qt4dotnet/#Known_problems_/_missing_features. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  75. ^ "A Brief History of Qt". http://safari.oreilly.com/0131872494/pref04. Retrieved 2007-12-20. 
  76. ^ "Trolltech Releases Qt 4.0 | KDE.news". Dot.kde.org. http://dot.kde.org/2005/06/28/trolltech-releases-qt-40. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  77. ^ Niels Weber (June 23, 2010). "Nokia Qt SDK 1.0 released". Labs.trolltech.com. http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2010/06/23/nokia-qt-sdk-10-released/. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  78. ^ "Trolltech offers a choice in licensing with the addition of GPL licensing for the upcoming release of Qt". Qt.nokia.com. http://qt.nokia.com/about/news/archive/00000043. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  79. ^ Q../Windows Edition history, June 5, 2006[dead link]
  80. ^ E-mail to the kde-cygwin mailing list by Chris January, February 4, 2003
  81. ^ Qt Non-commercial FAQ, October 5, 2003
  82. ^ "Nokia Corporation Qt GPL Exception Version 1.3". Doc.trolltech.com. July 22, 1999. http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/license-gpl-exceptions.html. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  83. ^ LGPL License Option Added to Qt January 14, 2009
  84. ^ "ICS Whitepaper on the Implications of Qt under LGPL for Commercial and Government users" (PDF). http://www.ics.com/files/docs/Qt_LGPL.pdf. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 
  85. ^ "Razor-qt Project". http://razor-qt.sf.net. 
  86. ^ "Egg Window Manager". Qt-apps.org. http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Egg+Window+Manager?content=136862. Retrieved November 13, 2011. 

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