LGBT rights by country or territory

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This article is about current LGBT rights around the world. For historical and current movements to further LGBT rights, see LGBT social movements.
     No information
Homosexuality legal      Same-sex marriage      Other type of partnership (or unregistered cohabitation)      Foreign same-sex marriages recognized      No recognition of same-sex couples
Homosexuality illegal      Minimal penalty      Large penalty      Life in prison      Death penalty

 v  d  e 
Part of a series on
lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender (LGBT) rights
Laws around the world
Recognition of relationships
Same-sex marriage
LGBT adoption
Military service
Immigration issues
Violence against LGBT people
Legal aspects of transsexualism
LGBT rights organizations
Opposing views
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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) related laws vary greatly by country or territory – everything from legal recognition of same-sex marriage or other types of partnerships, to the death penalty as punishment for same-sex sexual activity or identity.

LGBT-related laws include but are not limited to: government recognition of same-sex relationships, LGBT adoption, sexual orientation and military service, immigration equality, anti-discrimination laws, hate crime laws regarding violence against LGBT people, sodomy laws, anti-lesbianism laws, and higher ages of consent for same-sex activity.


[edit] History of LGBT-related laws

Throughout history and across cultures, the regulation of sexuality reflects broader cultural norms. Norms change in response to economic, social or political changes, including interactions with other societies.[citation needed]

Most of the history of sexuality is unrecorded. Even recorded norms do not always shed full light on actual practices, as it is sometimes the case that historical accounts are written by foreigners with cryptic political agendas.

In ancient Rome, prior to its Christianization, men of status were free to have sexual intercourse, heterosexual or homosexual, with anyone of a lower social status, provided that they remained dominant during such interaction. During the reign of Caligula, prostitution was legalized and taxed, and homosexual prostitution was seen openly in conjunction with heterosexual prostitution. The Warren Cup is a rare example of a Roman artefact that depicts homosexuality that was not destroyed by Christian authorities, although it was suppressed. A fresco from the public baths of the once buried city of Pompeii depicts a homosexual and bisexual sex act involving two adult men and one adult woman. The Etruscan civilization left behind the Tomb of the Diver, which depicts homosexual men in the afterlife. It is thought that the diver is the man who died, for whom the tomb was constructed.[citation needed]

Roman historical accounts describe the ancient Gauls of what is now France as being fierce in battle due to their encouragement of homosexual relationships.[citation needed]

In feudal Japan, homosexuality was recognized, between equals (bi-do), in terms of pederasty (wakashudo), and in terms of prostitution. The Samurai period was one in which homosexuality was seen as particularly positive. In Japan, the younger partner in a pederastic relationship was expected to make the first move; the opposite was true in ancient Greece. Homosexuality was later briefly criminalized due to Westernization.[1] In contemporary Japan, although this is changing, homosexuality is usually conflated with transgenderism and there is an emphasis on remaining in the closet and not seeing homosexuality as an orientation instead of simply as behavior.[citation needed]

The berdache two-spirit class in some Native American tribes are examples of ways in which some cultures integrated homosexuals into their society by viewing them, not with the homosexual and heterosexual dichotomy of most of the modern world, but as twin beings, possessing aspects of both sexes. In some other animist cultures of the past, the belief that homosexuals possess duality was seen as giving them a special connection to the spiritual realm and they often became shamans or medicine men.[citation needed]

Some people[who?] believe that the origin of punitive laws targeting homosexual relations lies with Abrahamic religions. The first recorded Abrahamic laws against sexual intercourse between men are dated by scholars to circa 550 BC, during the Babylonian captivity of the Jewish people; they are recorded in Leviticus (though conservative scholars date Leviticus to be much older), and prescribe the death penalty. It is unclear how rigorously that prohibition was enforced, debated concerning the narrowness of the proscription, and it should not be assumed that patterns of enforcement remained constant.[citation needed]

Similar prohibitions are found across Indo-European cultures in Lex Scantinia in Ancient Rome and nith in protohistoric Germanic culture, or the Middle Assyrian Law Codes dating 1075 BC.[2] Punitive laws spread as military conquest, colonialism, and missionary work spread the influence of certain interpretations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.[citation needed]

Laws prohibiting homosexuality were also passed in communist China. (The People's Republic of China neither adopted an Abrahamic religion nor was colonized, except for Hong Kong and Macau which were colonized with Victorian era social mores and maintain separate legal system from the rest of the PRC.) Homosexuality was not decriminalized there until 1997.[3]But, in fact, homosexual in mainland China was found guilty was included in a general definition under the vague vocabulary of hooliganism, there are no specifically anti-homosexual laws. The main problem is from the arbitrary execution, although in violation of the principle of statutory crimes, because of the arbitrariness of law enforcement in the community, which gives the secular opposition in the non-marital sex a pretext to punish homosexual acts (actually, the majority of people even don´t know the definition homosexuality, which is a construction by the society occidental with the development of modern medicine), and the case in a matter of fact is also relatively few. In this regard, there is a current controversial situation whether homosexuality was decriminalized at 1997 in the process of specify hooliganism, as well as the existence of a statutory guilty of homosexual.[4]

In modern times seven countries have no official heterosexist discrimination. They are Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, South Africa, and Spain. This full non-discrimination includes the rights of marriage and adoption. LGBT people in the USA face different laws for certain medical procedures than other groups. For example, gay men have been prohibited from giving blood since 1983,[5][6] and George W. Bush's FDA guidelines barred them from being sperm donors as of 2005, even though all donated sperm is screened for sexually-transmitted diseases and even the most promiscuous heterosexual men are not barred from donating.[7][citation needed]

[edit] LGBT-related laws by country or territory


[edit] Northern Africa

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Algeria Algeria No Illegal (Penalty: Fine - up to 2 years prison) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Egypt Egypt No Not specifically outlawed, but public morals laws are used against LGBT people according to AmnestyUSA , Prison up to 3 years No No No No No Unknown
Libya Libya No Illegal (Penalty: Fine - up to 5 years prison). Unknown No Unknown Unknown allowed allowed
Morocco Morocco (incl. Western Sahara) No Illegal (Penalty: 6 months to 3 years) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Sudan Sudan No Illegal (Penalty: 5 years up to death penalty.) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Tunisia Tunisia No Illegal (Penalty: Fine - 3 years) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

[edit] Western Africa

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Benin Benin Yes Legal[8] No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso No Not specifically outlawed, but other laws apply.[9] Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Cape Verde Cape Verde Yes Legal since 2004
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire Yes Legal No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
The Gambia Gambia No Illegal (Penalty: up to 14 years[10]) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Ghana Ghana No Male illegal
Female unclear
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Guinea Guinea No Illegal (Penalty: 6 months to 3 years prison) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Liberia Liberia No Illegal (Penalty: Fine) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Mali Mali Not specifically prohibited, but public morals laws have been used against LGBT persons Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Mauritania Mauritania No Illegal (Penalty: Death penalty) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Niger Niger Not specifically prohibited, but public morals laws may be used Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Nigeria Nigeria No Male illegal
No Female illegal in areas under Sharia
(Penalties in Sharia areas: Up to death for men, and up to 50 lashes (caning) and six months for women. Pentalty for men in non Sharia areas: Up to 14 years prison)
Yes Female legal in areas not under Sharia.
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Senegal Senegal No Illegal (Penalty: 1 month to 5 years prison) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone No Male illegal
Female needs verification
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Togo Togo No Illegal Unknown No Unknown

Unknown Unknown

[edit] Middle Africa

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Angola Angola No Not specifically outlawed, other laws may apply[11] (Penalty: Labour camps for habitual offenders.[12]) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Cameroon Cameroon No Illegal (Penalty: Fine to 5 years prison) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Central African Republic Central African Republic Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Chad Chad Yes Legal since 1967 No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) No Illegal No No Constitutional ban since 2005 Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea Yes Legal [13] Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Gabon Gabon Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Yes Legal No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé and Príncipe No Illegal + UN decl. sign. Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

[edit] Eastern Africa

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Burundi Burundi No Illegal since 2009
(Penalty: 3 months to 2 years imprisonment and fine of 50,000 to 100,000 Burundian francs[14])
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Comoros Comoros No Acts "against nature" outlawed Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Djibouti Djibouti No Illegal (Penalty: 10-12 years) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Eritrea Eritrea No Illegal (Penalty: 3-10 years) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Ethiopia Ethiopia No Illegal (Penalty: up to 5 years[15]) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Kenya Kenya No Male illegal (Penalty: up to 14 years)
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Madagascar Madagascar Yes Legal No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Malawi Malawi No Illegal Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Mauritius Mauritius No Illegal (Penalty: 5 years) + UN decl. sign. (national debate over repeal of the law) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[16] Unknown
Mozambique Mozambique Not specifically outlawed, other laws may apply (no record of enforcement)[17][18] No No Unknown Unknown Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[19] Unknown
Réunion Réunion (Overseas department of France) Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Pacte civil de solidarité
since 1999
No No Single gay persons may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Unknown
Rwanda Rwanda Yes Legal [20][21] Proposal in Dec 2009 to mimic Ugandan death penalty proposal for same-sex relationships was defeated in part by strong opposition from Rwanda's Ministry of Justice. No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Seychelles Seychelles No Male illegal
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Somalia Somalia No Illegal (Penalty: Death) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown
Uganda Uganda No All male homosexual acts illegal (Penalty: Fine up to life sentence) New law proposed October 2009 (but not yet enacted) would increase penalties for "repeat offenders" and HIV positive persons to options including the death penalty. The proposal would outlaw LGBT human rights activism by banning literature and public speaking on LGBT issues, and add lesbian sex acts to the list of proscribed activities. No No Constitutional ban since 2005 No No No No
Tanzania Tanzania No Male illegal (Penalty: Life Imprisonment) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Zambia Zambia No Male illegal (Penalty: fine to 15 years)
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe No Male illegal (Penalty: up to 10 years[22])
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

[edit] Southern Africa

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Botswana Botswana No Illegal (Penalty: Fine - years) Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Lesotho Lesotho No Illegal [23] Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Namibia Namibia No Illegal (not enforced)[24] Unknown No Unknown Unknown No Anti-gay discrimination clause ineffective after adoption of new Labor Act Unknown
South Africa South Africa Yes Legal since 1994 Yes Legal since 1996 Yes Legal since 2006 Yes Legal since 2002 Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination Unknown
Swaziland Swaziland No Male illegal (Penalty: US$90 fine - prison.)
Yes Female legal[25]
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

The Americas

Tables:  view  talk  edit 

North America

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex unions Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination Laws (sexual orientation) Anti-discrimination Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Bermuda Bermuda (Overseas territory of the United Kingdom) Yes Legal since 1994 No No Unknown Yes (due to policy of conscription) No No
Canada Canada Yes Legal since 1969
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Yes Legal since 2003, nationwide since 2005 Yes [26][27] Yes Since 1992[28] YesBans all anti-gay discrimination, including hate speech YesSex changes legally recognised; Explicit anti-discrimination protections only in NWT, implicit elsewhere;[29]
Mexico Mexico Yes Legal since 1871
+ UN decl. sign.
No/Yes Legal in Coahuila since 2007. No/Yes Legal in Mexico City since 2010.[30] No/Yes Joint adoption legal in Mexico City since 2010.[30]
Nationwide, single gay persons may adopt.[31]
No Yes Since 1999 at the subnational level, nationwide since 2003.[32] No/Yes Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name in Mexico City since 2008.[33]
Flag of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.svg Saint Pierre et Miquelon (overseas collectivity of France) Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Pacte civil de solidarité since 1999 No No Single gay persons may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination No
United States United States Yes Legal nationwide since 2003
+ UN decl. sign.
No / Yes Varies by state, but not recognized by federal gov't. No / Yes Varies by state, but not recognized by federal gov't No / Yes Single gay persons may adopt, laws on couples vary by state No "Don't ask, don't tell" policy (under review for elimination) No federal protections. Banned in 20 states. Included in the federal hate crimes law since 2009. See Matthew Shepard Act No federal protections. Banned in 13 states. Included in the federal hate crimes law since 2009. See Matthew Shepard Act

Central America

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex unions Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination Laws (sexual orientation) Anti- discrimination Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Belize Belize No Male: Illegal since 2003 (Penalty: 10 year prison sentence) Yes
Female: Legal
No No No No No No
Costa Rica Costa Rica Yes Legal since 1971 No (but proposed) No Unknown (Has happened in some cases) Doesn't apply. There are no military forces in Costa Rica, nonetheless they may serve in the police Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
El Salvador El Salvador Yes Legal No No Unknown Yes Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination No
Guatemala Guatemala Yes Legal No No Unknown Unknown Yes Anti-discrimination in Youth and Childhood Act since 1997.
Honduras Honduras Yes Legal No No Constitutional ban No Constitutional ban No No
Nicaragua Nicaragua Yes Legal since 2008
+ UN decl. sign.
No No - - Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[34]
Panama Panama Yes Legal since 2008 No No Unknown No No

Caribbean islands

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex unions Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination Laws (sexual orientation) Anti-discrimination Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Anguilla Anguilla (Overseas territory of the United Kingdom) Yes Legal since 2000 No No Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda No Illegal (Penalty: 15 year prison sentence) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Aruba Aruba (Autonomous country in the Kingdom of the Netherlands) Yes Legal No Only unions made in The Netherlands recognised No Only same-sex marriages made in The Netherlands recognised Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown
The Bahamas Bahamas Yes Legal since 1991 (Age of consent discrepancy) No No Unknown Yes No No
Barbados Barbados No Illegal (Penalty: life sentence) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands Yes Legal since 2000 No No Unknown Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination No
Cayman Islands Cayman Islands Yes Legal since 2000 No No Unknown Yes Unknown No
Cuba Cuba Yes Legal since 1979
+ UN decl. sign.
No (but proposed) No Unknown No Unknown No
Dominica Dominica No Illegal (Penalty: 10 year prison sentence) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Yes No No No No No No
Grenada Grenada No Male illegal (Penalty: 10 year prison sentence)
Yes Female legal
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Guadeloupe Guadeloupe (Overseas department of France) Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Pacte civil de solidarité
since 1999
No No Single gay persons may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Haiti Haiti Yes Legal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Jamaica Jamaica No Illegal (Penalty: 10 years hard labor)
Yes Female legal. Jamaica has recently gained international notoriety due to a rash of anti-gay hate crimes. Popular culture is generally hostile to homosexuality, and some local singers have incorporated very explicit anti-gay statements into their songs.
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Martinique Martinique (Overseas department of France) Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Pacte civil de solidarité
since 1999
No No Single gay persons may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Montserrat Montserrat Yes Legal since 2000 No No Unknown Yes Unknown
Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles Yes Legal No Only unions made in The Netherlands recognised No Only same-sex marriages made in The Netherlands recognised Unknown Yes Unknown
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of the United States) Yes Sodomy law removed 2005 from penal code, sodomy law had been invalidated by US Supreme Court re (Lawrence vs. Texas, in 2003). No "Defense of Marriage" proposals invalidating legal recognition of any same-sex relationships (Project 99) failed in Puerto Rican Senate in 2009. No Same-sex marriage not allowed, Puerto Rico is covered by US Defense of Marriage Act. Yes There are currently no laws against adoptions by single gay persons No US military has a "don't ask, don't tell" policy No Local gay rights bill (#1725) approved 43 to 6 by House of Representatives 11/13/2009, PR Senate is reviewing at present. Puerto Rico is covered by United States federal Hate Crimes law. No House Bill #1725 under consideration in Puerto Rico Senate has provisions protecting transgender persons.
Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis No Male illegal (Penalty: 10 years)
Yes Female legal
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia No Male illegal (Penalty: fine and/or 10 year prison sentence)
Yes Female legal
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines No Illegal (Penalty: fine and/or 10 year prison sentence) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago No Illegal (Penalty: 25 year prison sentence) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands Yes Legal since 2000 No No Unknown Yes Unknown
United States Virgin Islands United States Virgin Islands (Insular area of the United States) Yes Legal Unknown No Unknown No US military has a "don't ask, don't tell" policy - -

South America

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination Laws (sexual orientation) Anti- discrimination Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Argentina Argentina Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Unregistered cohabitation throughout the country.

Civil unions in three cities and one province.[35]

No/Yes Already performed.[36]

Under consideration nationwide.[36]

No Yes Since 2009.[37] No/Yes No legal protection nationwide, but cities of Buenos Aires and Rosario have had laws since 1996. Unknown
Bolivia Bolivia Yes Legal since
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Constitutionally banned in 2007 No Unknown Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Bans all discrimination based on gender identity[38]
Brazil Brazil Yes Legal since 1830
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Unregistered cohabitation throughout the country.

Civil unions legal in Rio Grande do Sul since 2004.[39]

No Decision pending in the Supreme Court.[40] No/Yes Despite a lack of legislation, recent jurisprudence has been in favor of same-sex couples.[41] Yes[42] Yes/No Legal protection in some states. Yes/No Despite a lack of specific legislation, recent jurisprudence has been in favor of gender-motivated identity change.[43][44]
Chile Chile Yes Legal since 1998 (Age of consent discrepancy)
+ UN decl. sign.
No (but proposed) No No No No No
Colombia Colombia Yes Legal since 1981
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 2007 No No single gay person may adopt. First case of step-child adoption, Court ordered.[45] Yes since 1999. Since 2009: the military special social security system can be used by same sex couples in the army Yes Yes[46] Since 1993. The name's gender can be changed easily in the National ID Card, to change the sex field a surgery is required.
Ecuador Ecuador Yes Legal since 1997
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes[47] Civil unions recognized since 2009 No Constitutional ban No Unknown Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Unknown
Falkland Islands Falkland Islands (overseas territory of the U.K., claimed by Argentina) Yes Legal Yes Legal since 2005 No Yes Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Unknown
French Guiana French Guiana Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Pacte civil de solidarité since 1999 No No Single gay persons may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Unknown
Guyana Guyana No Male illegal (Penalty: life imprisonment)
Yes Female legal.
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No Added to constitution in 2004, but withdrawn afterwards by the government. Unknown
Paraguay Paraguay Yes Legal (Age of consent discrepancy)
+ UN decl. sign.
No Constitutional ban since 1992[48] No Constitutional ban since 1992[49] Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Peru Peru Yes Legal No No Unknown Yes since 2009 [50] Bans some anti-gay discrimination Unknown
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Yes Legal Yes Legal since 2005 No Yes Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Unknown
Suriname Suriname Yes Legal (Age of consent discrepancy) No No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Uruguay Uruguay Yes Legal since 1934
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Civil unions since 2008.[51] No But proposed.[52] Yes Since 2009.[53] Yes Since 2009.[54] Yes Legal protection since 2004.[55] Yes Legal protection since 2004.[55]

Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name since 2009.[56]

Venezuela Venezuela Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.
No Civil union bill passed first reading, becomes law if passes second No No No No Ban revoked from 1999 constitution at last minute; under consideration (passed first reading) No Under consideration (passed first reading)


[edit] Central Asia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Yes Legal No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Yes Legal No No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Tajikistan Tajikistan Yes Legal No No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan No Male illegal (Penalties: fine, up to 2 year prison sentence)
Yes Female legal
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan No Male illegal (anal sex only) (Penalties: fine, up to 3 year prison sentence)

Yes Female legal

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

[edit] Western Asia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Bahrain Bahrain No Illegal No No No No No No
Iraq Iraq Yes Legal since 2003 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Israel Israel Yes Legal since 1963 de facto (judicial decision against the enforcement of the relevant section in the old British-mandate law from 1936 [which in fact was never enforced])
1988 de jure ("buggery law" formally repealed by Knesset)[57]
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Unregistered cohabition Legal No Foreign same-sex marriages recognised Yes [58][59] Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Yes
Jordan Jordan Yes Legal since 1951
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Kuwait Kuwait No Illegal (Penalty: fines, men under 21 face prison sentences up to 10 years, men over 21 face prison sentences up to 7 years) No No No No No No
Lebanon Lebanon No Illegal (Penalty: fines, up to 1 year in prison). There's a growing public campaign to legalise homosexual relations.[60]
No Not by the government, however there are some LGBT support groups that offer great favours and acceptance. No No No No No
Oman Oman No Illegal (Penalty: fines, prison sentence up to 3 years; however, only enforced when dealing with "public scandal") No No No No No No
Palestinian territories Palestinian territories (Gaza) No Male illegal (Penalty: up to 10 year prison sentence)
Yes Female legal
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Palestinian territories Palestinian territories (West Bank) Yes/No Was legalized in 1951 when part of Jordan.[8] Other reports are that British colonial anti-gay laws are still enforced in West Bank at present. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Qatar Qatar No Illegal (Penalty: fines, prison sentence up to 5 years) No No No No No No
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia No Illegal (Penalty: death or prison/fines/whipping) No No No No No No
Syria Syria No Illegal (Penalty: prison sentence up to 3 years; law de facto suspended) No No No No No No
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates No Illegal (Penalty: deportation, fines, prison time or death sentence) No No No No No No
Yemen Yemen No Illegal (Penalty: flogging or death) No No No No No No

[edit] South Asia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Afghanistan Afghanistan No Illegal No No No No No No
Bangladesh Bangladesh No Illegal No No No No No No
Bhutan Bhutan No Illegal (Penalty: prison sentence up to 1 year; no cases of penalty actually enforced) No No No No No No
India India Yes Legal since 2009 No No No No [61] No Transgender people allowed to tick O (Other) in passport and voter identification forms
Iran Iran No Illegal (Penalty: Death) No No No No No Transsexuality in Iran is legal if accompanied by a sex change operation; however, transsexuals still report societal intolerance.[62]
Maldives Maldives No Illegal No No No No No No
Nepal Nepal Yes Legal since 2007[63] + UN decl. sign. No No Ordered by Supreme Court; government expected to include gender-neutral marriage laws in the drafting of the upcoming constitution. [18] Under consideration Yes Yes Supreme Court ruled discrimination laws apply to homosexuals Yes "Third gender" cards have been issued since September 2007, legally protected class[64]
Pakistan Pakistan No Illegal (Penalty: 2 years to life sentence) No No No No No No
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka No Sodomy may be illegal - British-enacted law, never implemented No No No No No No

[edit] East Asia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
People's Republic of China China Yes Legal, there is a controversy about whether the homosexual behavior once been illegal, but since 1997 by removal of "hooliganism" section from criminal code, is more clear that the homosexuality isn't illegal. In 2001 homosexuality was removed from illnesses listed in Chinese Classifications of Mental Disorders. No No Activists in Beijing have called for same-sex marriage. Unknown Unknown; the military hasn't differentiated male-male sex acts from homosexuality No No law currently in place, but reports are that gays freely associate around the country, with specific reports covering locales as varied as Shanghai, Beijing, and Yunnan. No
Japan Japan Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Unknown Yes[65] No/Yes No federal protections, but some cities ban all anti-gay discrimination[66] Yes Transexuals allowed to change legal gender
Mongolia Mongolia Yes Legal since 2002 Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
North Korea North Korea No Not considered to be in accordance with the dictator's ideals. Prison camps for dissidents No No No No No No Heavily obeyed gender roles for both male and female. See Let's trim our hair in accordance with the socialist lifestyle
South Korea South Korea Yes Legal No No No No No Unknown
Republic of China Taiwan Yes Legal No No Pending law allows civil unions or same-sex marriage. Unknown Yes Due to military draft Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination (in work and education) Unknown

[edit] Southeast Asia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (Sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Brunei Brunei No Illegal (Penalty: fine or prison sentence up to 10 years) No No No No No No
Cambodia Cambodia Yes Legal No No Techinically prohibited, though there has been at least one recorded case of a legally registered and recognized same-sex marriage Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown
East Timor East Timor Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Indonesia Indonesia Yes Legal[67] except for Muslims in Aceh Province[68] No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Laos Laos Yes Legal No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Malaysia Malaysia No Illegal (Penalty: fines, prison sentence (2-20 years), or whippings) No No No No No No
Myanmar Myanmar No Illegal (Penalties: 10 years to life sentence) No No No No No No
Philippines Philippines Yes Legal.[69][70] No[70] No[70] Yes [71] No Since 2009 Yes No national protections, but Quezon City and Albay have anti-discrimination ordinances[72]No National bill pending but still not made into law Unknown
Singapore Singapore No Male illegal (Penalty: up to 2 years prison sentence; no plan to repeal 377A and not enforced since 1999)

Yes Female legal

No No No No Unknown No
Thailand Thailand Yes Legal since 1956 No No Unknown Yes Since 2005 Unknown Unknown
Vietnam Vietnam Yes Legal (no laws against homosexuality have ever existed) No No Unknown Unknown No Unknown


EU flag
Four countries currently ban all forms of heterosexist discrimination: Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. Membership in the European Union not only requires repeal of anti-homosexuality legislation, the Treaty of Amsterdam also requires anti-discrimination legislation to be enacted by its member states.[73]

[edit] Northern Europe

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Åland Islands Åland Islands (self-governing part of Finland) Yes Legal since 1971 Yes Legal since 2002 No Yes Only in registered partnerships and only with partner's children Demilitarised Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Denmark Denmark Yes Legal since 1933
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 1989 No Yes Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Estonia Estonia Yes Legal since 1992
+ UN decl. sign.
No (but proposed) No No It is possible for any single individual to adopt if they can prove to be suitable to bring up a child. Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Faroe Islands Faroe Islands (self-governing part of Denmark) Yes Legal since 1933 No (but proposed) No No Yes (Denmark responsible for defence) Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Finland Finland Yes Legal since 1971
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 2002 No Yes Only in registered partnerships and only with partner's children Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Greenland Greenland (member country of the Kingdom of Denmark) Yes Legal since 1933
+UN decl. sign via Denmark.
Yes Legal since 1996 No Yes Only in registered partnerships and only with partner's children Yes (Denmark responsible for defence) Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Iceland Iceland Yes Legal since 1940
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 1996 No (Marriage Code 2010 pending) Yes Only in registered partnerships Has no army Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Republic of Ireland Ireland Yes Legal since 1993
+ UN decl. sign.
No (Civil Partnerships Bill 2009 pending) No Single gay persons may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination, as well hate speech against homosexuals No Transsexual persons not allowed to change legal gender after sex reassignment surgery. The High court has ruled that this situation is not allowed by the European Convention on Human Rights
Isle of Man Isle of Man Yes Legal since 1991 No / Yes Civil partnerships from UK partially recognised, Civil Partnership (Isle of Man) Bill 2010 pending. No No (But proposed) Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Latvia Latvia Yes Legal since 1992
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Constitutional ban since 2006 No Only married couples can adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Lithuania Lithuania Yes Legal since 1993
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Constitutional ban since 1992 No Only married couples can adopt Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Norway Norway Yes Legal since 1972
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 1993 Yes Legal since 2009 Yes Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination Yes Sex changes are legal and documents can be amended to the recognised gender.
Sweden Sweden Yes Legal since 1944
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 1995 Yes Legal since 2009 Yes Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination and publication, including hate speech against homosexuals and transgendered persons Yes Sex change can only be done after recommendations by the National Board of Health and Welfare, for health and safety reasons
United Kingdom United Kingdom Yes Legal since 1967 in England and Wales, 1980 in Scotland and 1982 in Northern Ireland
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Civil partnerships since 2005 No Yes Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination, as well as religion-based hate speech against homosexuals [74] Yes Gender Recognition Act 2004

[edit] Western Europe

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Belgium Belgium Yes Legal since 1843
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 2000 Yes Legal since 2003 Yes Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination
France France Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Pacte civil de solidarité
since 1999
Yes No Single gay persons may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination In 2010, France became the first country in the world to remove transgender identity from the list of mental diseases.
Guernsey Guernsey (incl. Alderney Alderney, Herm Herm and Sark Sark) Yes legal since 1983 (Age of consent discrepancy) No No No UK responsible for defence No
Jersey Jersey Yes legal since 1990 No Civil Partnership (Jersey) Bill 2010 pending No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Luxembourg Luxembourg Yes Legal since 1795
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 2004 No (proposed) No (proposed) Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Monaco Monaco Yes Legal since 1793 No No No France responsible for defence No
Netherlands Netherlands Yes Legal since 1811
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 1998 Yes Legal since 2001. First country to legalize same-sex marriage. Yes Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination

[edit] Central Europe

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Austria Austria Yes Legal since 1971
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Registered partnership since 2010 No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Croatia Croatia Yes Legal since 1977
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Unregistered cohabitation since 2003 No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Yes Act on the elimination of discrimination
Czech Republic Czech Republic Yes Legal since 1962
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Registered partnership since 2006. No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Germany Germany Yes Legal since 1968 in East Germany and 1969 in West Germany
totally legalized 1994
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Registered partnership since 2001 No Single gay persons may adopt or a partner can adopt the other partner's child (full joint adoption is proposed)[75] Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Hungary Hungary Yes Legal since 1962
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Registered partnership since 2009 No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Yes Legal since 1989
+ UN decl. sign.
No Registered Partnership Bill 2010 pending No No Has no army No (but proposed)
Poland Poland Yes Never punished. Legal again since 1932
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Constitution defines marriage as "a union of a man and a woman" Single gay persons may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Yes Sex change legal; birth certificate is amended after the reassignment surgery[76]
Slovakia Slovakia Yes Legal since 1962
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Slovenia Slovenia Yes Legal since 1977
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Registered partnership since 2006 No (proposed) No (proposed) Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Yes Sex change can be recorded in a central register, and new documents can be issued based on person's new gender identity.[77]
Serbia Serbia Yes Legal since 1994
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Constitutional ban No No Don't ask, don't tell policy (similar to the US) Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Switzerland Switzerland Yes Geneva, Vaud, Valais and Ticino: legal since 1798. Nationwide since 1942
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Registered partnership since 2007 No Single gay persons may adopt. Non-biological partner must provide educational and financial tutorship for his/her partner's child Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination

[edit] Eastern Europe

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Albania Albania Yes Legal since 1995
+ UN decl. sign.
No Prime Minister Berisha stated in 2009 that he would support gay marriage, however, this has not been legislated yet. No [78] No Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination, effective February 4, 2010 [79] Yes rights law approved Feb 4 2010 forbids discrimination based on gender identity.
Armenia Armenia (terminology "European" varies on border defintions) Yes Legal since 2002
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Unknown No
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan (terminology "European" varies on border defintions) Yes Legal since 2000 No No No No Banned from military service No
Belarus Belarus Yes Legal since 1994 No No No No Banned from military service No
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Yes Legal since 1998
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Bulgaria Bulgaria Yes Legal since 1968
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Constitutional ban No Single gay person may adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Georgia (country) Georgia (terminology "European" varies on border defintions) Yes Legal since 2000
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Unknown Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Republic of Macedonia Macedonia Yes Legal since 1996
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Moldova Moldova Yes Legal since 1995 No No Constitutional ban No Yes No
Montenegro Montenegro Yes Legal since 1977
+ UN decl. sign.
No No Constitutional ban No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Romania Romania Yes Legal since 1996
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination
Russia Russia (incl. all constituent regions) Yes Legal since 1993. Previously legal from 1917 to 1930. No No No Yes No
Turkey Turkey Yes Legal since 1858 No No No No particular legal ban. Yes They are exempt from the military service and marked as mentally ill. No Added to constitution in 2004, but withdrawn afterwards by the government Yes
Ukraine Ukraine Yes Legal since 1992 No No Constitutional ban No Yes No

[edit] Southern Europe

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Andorra Andorra Yes Legal since 1790
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 2005 No Yes Legal since 2005 Has no army Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Cyprus Cyprus Yes Legal since 1998
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Gibraltar Gibraltar (overseas territory of the U.K.) Yes Legal since 1993 (Age of consent discrepancy) No No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Greece Greece Yes Legal since 1951 (Age of consent discrepancy)
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No No Banned from military service Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Italy Italy Yes Legal since 1890
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Only married couples can adopt Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Malta Malta Yes Legal since 1973
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination Yes Sex changes are legal and documents can be amended to the recognised gender.
Portugal Portugal Yes Legal since 1983
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 2001 No but legalization approved on February 11, 2010 in Portugese parliament. No (only single gay persons may adopt) Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination, according to Constitution
San Marino San Marino Yes Legal since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.
No No No Unknown No
Spain Spain Yes Legal since 1979
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 1998 Yes Legal since 2005 Yes Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination Yes La Ley de Identidad de Género (Gender Identity Law), enacted in 2007.
Vatican City Vatican City Yes Legal since 1929 No No No Unknown No

[edit] Disputed territories

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Kosovo Kosovo (only partially recognised, claimed by Serbia) Yes Legal since 1994 (as part of Serbia), 2008 (as partially recognised sovereign territory) No No No Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination Yes
Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus (recognised only by the Republic of Turkey) Yes British colonial era sodomy laws from 1889 eliminated by North Cyprus government in 2009. No No No No particular legal ban. No Banned from military service. (with the same code in Turkey) No


[edit] Australasia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Australia Australia (including territories of  Christmas Island,  Cocos (Keeling) Islands,  Norfolk Island) Yes Legal nationwide since 1994.

+ UN decl. sign.

Yes Unregistered cohabitation in all states and under federal laws.

Civil Union schemes in ACT, Tasmania and Victoria.

Only transsexual persons allowed to marry (All States) Yes/No Joint adoption in ACT and Western Australia.

Stepchild adoption in Tasmania.

Yes since 1992 Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination Yes Covered by all state and territory laws only.
New Zealand New Zealand Yes Legal since 1986.

+ UN decl. sign.

Yes Legal since 2004. No No Single gay persons may adopt. Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination Yes Covered under the "sex discrimination" provision of the Human Rights Act 1993 since 2006.

[edit] Melanesia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
East Timor East Timor (terminology "Oceania" varies on border defintions) Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Fiji Fiji Yes Male legal since 2010[80]
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Unknown No 1997 constitution that banned all anti-gay discrimination has been suspended Unknown
New Caledonia New Caledonia (overseas collectivity of France) Yes Legal Civil union No Unknown Yes Yes since? Unknown
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea No Illegal Unknown No No Unknown Unknown Unknown
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands No Illegal Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Vanuatu Vanuatu Yes Legal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

[edit] Micronesia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
Guam Guam (unincorporated territory of the United States) Yes Legal since 1979 No Currently debated No No Unknown Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination
Federated States of Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia Yes Yes, according to most reports No No Unknown No Defense responsibility of the US, which has "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." No No
Kiribati Kiribati No Male illegal
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands Yes Legal since? No No No Unknown No
Nauru Nauru No Male illegal
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Palau Palau No Male illegal
Female Unknown
Unknown No Yes[citation needed] Unknown Unknown

[edit] Polynesia

LGBT rights in: Homosexual acts legal? Recognition of same-sex relationships Same-sex marriage Same-sex adoption Allows gays to serve openly in military? Anti-discrimination (sexual orientation) Laws concerning gender identity/expression
American Samoa American Samoa (unincorporated territory of the United States) [81] Yes Legal since 1899 No No No No US military has "Don't ask, don't tell" policy Unknown
Chile Chile (Easter Island Rapa Nui only) Yes Legal since 1998 No No No Unknown No
Cook Islands Cook Islands (part of the realm of New Zealand) No Male illegal
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Has no military forces Unknown Unknown
French Polynesia French Polynesia (overseas collectivity of France) Yes Legal since ? Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown
Niue Niue (part of the realm of New Zealand) Yes Legal since 2007 Unknown No No Has no military forces Unknown
Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Islands (overseas territory of the United Kingdom) Yes Legal since 1967 Yes Civil partnerships since 2005 No Yes Yes Yes Bans most anti-gay discrimination
Samoa Samoa No Unknown No Unknown Has no military forces Unknown Unknown
Tokelau Tokelau (part of the realm of New Zealand) Yes Legal since 2007 Unknown No No Has no military forces Unknown
Tonga Tonga No Male illegal
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Tuvalu Tuvalu No Male illegal
Yes Female legal
Unknown No Unknown Has no military forces Unknown Unknown
Flag of Wallis and Futuna.svg Wallis and Futuna (overseas collectivity of France) Yes Legal since ? Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Unknown

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Beautiful Way of the Samurai Native Tradition and Hellenic Echo
  2. ^ The Middle Assyrian Law Codes (1075 BC) states: "If a man have intercourse with his brother-in-arms, they shall turn him into a eunuch", see Sodomy law#History
  3. ^ "Xinhua - English". Retrieved 2010-01-19. 
  4. ^ 晓飞, 郭 (2007-05-01). 中国法视野下的同性恋. 知识产权出版社. ISBN 978-7801986979. 
  5. ^ "FDA says gay men still can’t donate blood - AIDS". MSNBC. 23 May 2007. Retrieved 2010-01-19. 
  6. ^ Resnick, Eric (17 March 2006). "Red Cross now seeks to allow gay blood donation". Retrieved 2010-01-19. 
  7. ^ FDA Recommends Barring Gay Men From Being Sperm Donors By Linda Orlando
  8. ^ a b Ottosson, Daniel (May 2009). "State-sponsored Homophobia: A world survey of laws prohibiting same sex activity between consenting adults". International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). pp. Page 45. Retrieved 2009-05-19. 
  9. ^ Ottosson, Daniel (May 2008). "State-sponsored Homophobia: A world survey of laws prohibiting same sex activity between consenting adults". International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). pp. Page 11. Retrieved 2009-01-12. 
  10. ^ Gambia: Mob Violence And Murder Feared After President's Gay Beheading Threat, AllAfrica, June 12, 2008
  11. ^ [1]
  12. ^ Page 6 of [2]
  13. ^ [3]
  14. ^ Burundi abolishes the death penalty but bans homosexuality 27 April 2009.
  15. ^ Ethiopia travel advice, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  16. ^ Africa: Outspoken activists defend continent's sexual diversity
  17. ^ [4]
  18. ^ Labour Code. Page 25 of [5]
  19. ^ Africa: Outspoken activists defend continent's sexual diversity
  20. ^ [6]
  21. ^ [7]
  22. ^ Not tickling Mugabe’s fancy, Tribune, October 24, 1997
  23. ^ Lesotho travel advice, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  24. ^ [8]. Constitutional protection for sexual orientation since 2005. Labour Code of 1992 (which banned sexual orientation discrimination) was replaced by The Unimplemented Labor Act 2004, which did not specifically enumerate homosexuals as a group protected from employment discrimination, and such discrimination occurred.
  25. ^ Not specifically outlawed but ILGA 2008 pdf report labels as "unclear"; 2008 version of report still lists as unclear (with proposed ban) - pending laws needs to be updated w/ 2008/2009 data: Pending law, page 9 (Number 12), includes outlawing lesbian sex conduct. [9] and page 37 [10].
  26. ^ Sexual Orientation and Legal Rights (92-1E)
  27. ^ Same Sex Couple Adoption: The Situation in Canada and Australia (Research Note 29 1999-2000)
  28. ^ [11]
  29. ^ Northwest Territories Human Rights Act, S.N.W.T. 2002, c.18. Section 5.
  30. ^ a b Associated Press (4 March 2010). "Mexico City’s gay marriage law takes effect". MSNBC. Retrieved 6 March 2010. 
  31. ^ "Intercountry Adoption: Mexico". Office of Children Issues, U.S. Dept. of State. November 2009. 
  32. ^ International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) (April 23, 2003). "Mexico protects its gay and lesbian citizens with new law". Retrieved November 27, 2009. 
  33. ^ International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) Trans (August 29, 2008). "Mexico City extends official rights to transgender individuals". Retrieved November 27, 2009. 
  34. ^ [12]
  35. ^ Monique Blanco (December 2009). "Argentine same-sex marriage debate returns". Panama News. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  36. ^ a b Associated Press (28 December 2009). "Gay Marriage Performed in Argentina". New York Times. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  37. ^ AG magazine (2 March 2009). "A New Argentina Overturns Gay Military Ban". Queerty. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  38. ^ [13]
  39. ^ BBC News (5 March 2004). "Brazilian go-ahead for gay unions". Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  40. ^ (Portuguese) O Globo (3 July 2009). "Gays comemoram ação no STF sobre união civil". Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  41. ^ (Portuguese) Enézio de Deus (1 June 2006). "Decisões judiciais favoráveis a adoção por gays". Gay Brasil. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  42. ^ (Portuguese) Patricia Silva Gadelha (March 2006). "A prática da pederastia é crime militar". Jus Navigandi. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  43. ^ (Portuguese) Expresso da Notícia (13 January 2006). "Justiça autoriza alteração no registro de transexual que trocou de sexo". Jus Brasil. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  44. ^ (Portuguese) Expresso da Notícia (25 December 2005). "Justica autoriza mudança de sexo em documentos". Jus Brasil. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  45. ^
  46. ^ [14](Spanish)
  47. ^ [15](Spanish)
  48. ^ [16]
  49. ^ [17]
  50. ^
  51. ^ Hilary Burke (18 December 2007). "Uruguay OKs gay unions in Latin American first". Reuters. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  52. ^ (Spanish) AG magazine (28 May 2009). "Ahora Uruguay va por el matrimonio gay". Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  53. ^ Reuters (9 September 2009). "Lawmakers in Uruguay Vote to Allow Gay Couples to Adopt". New York Times. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  54. ^ Rachel Weiner (15 May 2009). "Uruguay Lifts Ban On Gays In The Military". Huffington Post. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  55. ^ a b (Spanish) Congress of Uruguay (18 August 2004). "Ley Nº 17.817". Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  56. ^ Free Speech Radio News (11 December 2009). "Uruguay passes bill to allow citizens to choose gender identity". Retrieved 1 January 2010. 
  57. ^ LGBTQ Timeline
  58. ^,7340,L-3505079,00.html "Attorney General rules same sex couples eligible to adopt"
  59. ^ Gay couple wins right to adopt foster son
  60. ^ Ottosson, Daniel (May 2008). "State-sponsored Homophobia: A world survey of laws prohibiting same sex activity between consenting adults". International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). pp. Page 22. Retrieved 12 January 2009. 
  61. ^
  62. ^
  63. ^ Ottosson, Daniel (May 2008). "State-sponsored Homophobia: A world survey of laws prohibiting same sex activity between consenting adults". International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). pp. Page 27. Retrieved 12 January 2009. 
  64. ^
  65. ^
  66. ^
  67. ^ Rough Guide to South East Asia: Third Edition. Rough Guides Ltd. August 2005. p. 74. ISBN 1843534371. 
  68. ^ "Aceh passes stoning law". The Staits Times. 14 September 2009. Retrieved 22 December 2009. 
  69. ^
  70. ^ a b c
  71. ^
  72. ^
  73. ^
  74. ^ Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (c. 4)
  75. ^ Zypries backs adoption for gay couples - The Local
  76. ^
  77. ^
  78. ^ Macho-minded Albania to break gay marriage taboo | Oddly Enough | Reuters
  79. ^ "Albania protects LGBT people from discrimination". ILGA-Europe. 5 February 2010. Retrieved 5 February 2010. 
  80. ^
  81. ^ "Sodomy Laws American Samoa". N.A.. Retrieved 2008-12-21. 


[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links