Al Ghurabaa

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Al Ghurabaa (Arabic: الغرباء‎; English: The Strangers) is a Muslim organization which, along with the The Saviour Sect, is widely believed to be the reformed Al-Muhajiroun after it disbanded in 2004 by order of Omar Bakri Muhammad. Other members include Abu Izzadeen and Abu Uzair.

On July 17, 2006 the group was proscribed under legislation in Britain outlawing organizations that support terrorism[1]. Home Secretary Dr. John Reid laid an order in Parliament which makes it a criminal offence for a person to belong to or encourage support for the group, to arrange meetings in its support, or to wear clothes or carry articles in public indicating support or membership.[2]

The name of the group is derived from a hadith (or tradition) ascribed to Muhammad, "Islam began as something strange and will end as something strange...Paradise is for Al Ghurabaa' [the strangers]."

Anjem Choudary, previously a leader of Al-Muhajiroun, was a spokesman or prominent figure in al Ghurabaa'.[3][4] In 2010 he reemerged as the leader of Islam4UK.


[edit] Statement about terrorism

"Al Ghurabaa do not glorify any acts of terrorism, whether committed by individuals, organisations or nation states such as USA or UK, we do not wish anybody to emulate them or praise them and make expressly clear that that is not the intention of any of our articles or comments of our representatives. If anyone was to mistakenly get this impression then that is not our intention and we will do everything we can to clarify the misunderstanding."[5]

This statement is at odds with the views of leading member Abu Izzadeen who was filmed on the eve of the first anniversary of the 7/7 terrorist attacks on the city of London mocking the victims of 9/11 and threatening further attacks on non-Muslims.

Al Ghurabaa was banned by Waltham Forest Council from holding meetings at premises within walking distance of the homes of several of the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot suspects.[6]

Abu Izzadeen, a Muslim convert also known as Omar Brookes, was ejected from an open community meeting in East London at which the Home Secretary Dr John Reid was speaking. Izzadeen was furious about "state terrorism by British police" and heckled Reid before ejected by the police[7].

[edit] Death threats

In response to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, Al Ghurabaa' published an article on their website titled, "Kill those who insult the Prophet Muhammad". The article states, "The insulting of the Messenger Muhammad is something that the Muslims cannot and will not tolerate and the punishment in Islam for the one who does so is death. This is the sunnah of the prophet and the verdict of Islam upon such people, one that any Muslim is able [to] execute."[8]

Al Ghurabaa' had organised the 3 February protest march from London Central Mosque to the Danish Embassy,[9] where protesters waved placards reading, "Butcher those who mock Islam", "Kill those who insult Islam", "Europe you will pay, your 9/11 is on the way", or "7/7 is on its way", "Europe you will pay, bin Laden is on his way" and "Europe you'll come crawling, when the Mujahideen come roaring".

Despite the similar theme on Al Ghurabaa's website, their spokesman, Anjem Choudary, said he did not know who wrote the placards.[10] MPs from all parties condemned the protest, calling the Metropolitan police to pursue those responsible on the grounds that the threats were an incitement to murder.[11]

[edit] New organization

In November 2005 The Saved Sect were re-established under the name Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah.[12] This organization operates mainly through an invitation-only Internet forum, of which Anjem Choudary is a prominent contributor, using the username "Abou Luqman". A reporter visiting the site found recordings of Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Omar Bakri Mohammed, as well as calls for holy war.[13]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Groups banned by new terror law, BBC News, 17 July 2006,, retrieved 12 December 2009 
  2. ^ Reid bans two radical Muslim groups, The Guardian, 17 July 2006,,,1822724,00.html, retrieved 12 December 2009 
  3. ^ Steele, John (16 March 2006), Arrests over cartoon protests, Daily Telegraph,, retrieved 12 December 2009 
  4. ^ Bowcott, Owen (6 February 2006), Arrest extremist marchers, police told, The Guardian,,,1703181,00.html, retrieved 12 December 2009 
  5. ^ "(Website no longer active)". Al Ghurabaa. 
  6. ^ Lewis, Paul (2006-08-16), Banned group tried to rent hall near suspects' homes, The Guardian,,,1851116,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=1, retrieved 2006-09-02 
  7. ^ Reid heckled during Muslim speech, BBC News, 2006-09-20,, retrieved 2006-09-20 
  8. ^ "(Website no longer active)". 
  9. ^ Reaction around the world to cartoon row, BBC News, 2006-02-04, 
  10. ^ Bowcott, Owen (2006-02-06), Arrest extremist marchers, police told, The Guardian,,,1703181,00.html?gusrc=rss 
  11. ^ Cartoon protest slogans condemned, BBC News, 2006-02-05, 
  12. ^ New group replaces al-Muhajiroun, BBC News, 2006-10-29, 
  13. ^ Taher, Abul (2006-10-29), Banned extremists regroup, London: The Sunday Times,,,2087-2426770,00.html 

[edit] Related media articles

[edit] Video

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